While it can be easily confused with many floor varnishes and shoe polishes, we don't recommend at all using it on floors and shoes! Army Painter Quickshade Soft Tone Available to ship 0 Alaitoc Blue 4.55 Aethermatic Contrast 7.80 Citadel Brush Small Base 6.40 Aggaros Dunes. It comes in 3 different tones, to suit the individual.

Quick Shade is the first specialized dip designed for painting massed armies of toy soldiers. The Quickshade is designed and formulated to work with 10-28 millimeters (mm) scale miniatures. Get your army finished quickly and get more time for gaming The dipping technique has been around for years people experimenting with all sorts of chemicals carried home from B&Q. The varnish leaves a sticky, oily residue that may not wash out with just plain water. Just give them a nice even coat and let Quickshade give a consistent shading across all your minis.īrushing Method: If you prefer the brushing method, use a brush that you don't plan to use for much else. No more dealing with too many details: When you're working on a bunch of mobs for a game, you can ditch the time-consuming addition of details with different washes and paints. Strong tone is basically brown, so it works great on reds, browns, yellows, whites, bleached bones, etc., but not so well on greens and blues. It is best used for midtone and light colors. It also keeps your bright colors bright and provide shadows where needed.

Strong Tone Variant: The strong tone shade gives a travel-worn, sepia effects, making it excellent for the dead, zombies, grimy and dirty-looking figurines, chests and tombstones. Made from very thin black pigment the Quickshade Dark Tone has proved a hit with evil armies of miniatures and models which require a sharp contrast in colours. Using it with the famous, old-known dipping technique, you'll end up with colors that come through fantastically. The Quickshade is a pigment-based solution. It is specifically engineered to add highlights, effects, and color-richness on models for much less time, cutting the paintwork by more than half. Hundred of miniatures to paint, so little time? SAVE TIME PAINTING! The Army Painter Quickshade Strong Tone is a must-have in your miniature painting arsenal.