“We don’t offer grooming services here,” I repeat, sterner than before. In fact, we could easily get you fired for not doing your job correctly!” Figure something out! The Pokemon Musical we’re about to attend has much more class than you do, you know. “If you want your purrloin groomed,” I continued, nodding towards the exit, “Then please talk to either your personal groomer or the salon across the street. I would have studied these two more, but unfortunately I had a job to do. It was rather impressive, really, how much confidence it had. Sure enough, right beside the lady was a liepard in all its smug glory- almost as if it owned the place. Finally, to top this disaster off, her dress had a leopard print pattern. Fortunately, there was no danger of them falling off- the temples were tied securely to her face with a few strands of hair. And that is saying something, because I’ve watched Miraculous Ladybug.Įxpensive glasses sat atop her crooked nose, and they clearly didn’t fit her. A blonde lady- middle-aged- sat in front of me with the most ridiculous outfit I have ever seen. There was that cosplayer, an airplane attendant, and… oh, that bartender I saw once! If my phone still worked, I would have asked them for a picture.īut… holy shit, I have never wished my phone worked more than I have today. Most of these outfits are a hit and miss, but there’s the occasional gem every once in a while. People here take the phrase ‘express yourself’ too literally. I have seen someone on the street spouting cheesy one-liners several times too many.Īnd the clothes- good god, the clothes. In a world like this one, as freakishly cartoonish as it is, the people are bound to reflect its absurdism. Sure, there’s the occasional salesman and extrovert (the same thing, really), but other than that, interesting customers run few and far between… It doesn’t take a genius to realize the life of a retailer is a lonely one. In other words, the typical Tuesday afternoon.

It’s not anything special, really- it’s just hours and hours of sitting down at a counter and feeling sorry for yourself. I don’t know what I expected, working in retail. Her alias? Well… I heard she goes by Bear these days. The rest of her family have been marked anyhow. After all, she’s aware of the future- that doesn’t matter. The adjustment will certainly take a little bit of time, but I have faith she’ll be able to handle it. That way, the influence would balance out. Yes, I’m aware of the risks- but this one is different. The ‘dynamic duo,’ as you so eloquently called them, already have so much riding on their shoulders. Without a window of our world, then we can’t keep the relative peace. How would…? My, you’re dafter than I imagined. I expected you would know a lot more about this than you already do, though I suppose I was wrong to assume. Creativity and inspiration would dwindle, as well as drive and determination. There’s too much influence of this world there.

SakurAlpha's Fic Rec of Pure how did you create this you amazing bean Stats: Published: Updated: Words: 106391 Chapters: 27/? Comments: 233 Kudos: 419 Bookmarks: 181 Hits: 14539
#Phraseexpress recycle bin series#
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#Phraseexpress recycle bin archive#
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